Saturday, March 15, 2014

Russia takes over Crimea

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How should the US respond to Russia?

Russia has detached Crimea from the Ukrainian government's control. Vladimir Putin's use from Crimea is unknown; will he incorporate it into Russia, use it as leverage to negotiate a deal with Ukraine? Russia has violated a treaty that it signed with Ukraine which guaranteed that country's borders, in return for which Ukraine gave up it's nuclear weapons. The article suggests that President Obama should cancel his attendance at the G-8 Summit (to be held in Sochi in June) and that Russia's membership in the G-8 should be suspended. The G-8 was created to recognize that Russia was behaving as an honorable member of the international community. However, if Russia's behavior has changed, so should their status. Many people of Crimea will be deeply hostile towards the Russian takeover. What precedent will the U.S. set regarding their involvement in the issue and how should the U.S. respond to Russia?

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